Live OUT Loud Podcast

Your hosts River and Michele, besties on a spiritual quest to help women LIVE in their truth. Michele and River will chat about a myriad of topics from Divorce, Parenting, spiritual journeys, and sexual identity and will bring on experts and/or friends to dive deeper into topics that feel relevant in today’s world.

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Live OUT Loud Podcast

We are so excited to share what lights us up and the people who have expanded our journey from friendships, travel, and our collective spiritual journey


4 days ago

Michele + River discussed the complexities of intimacy and sexuality after the breakdown of a marriage. They explored different perspectives, acknowledging that everyone's process is unique. River shared her own experiences of not having physical intimacy due to emotional and safety issues with her ex-partner. Michele emphasized the importance of respecting different approaches to intimacy, even if they differ from her own.
We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did. Please follow, and share!! 
You can find River on Instagram
You can find Michele on Instagram 
Have a splendid day!
Michele and River 

Laurian Gladue

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

River + Michele enjoy a beautiful conversation with Laurian Gladue. Laurian specializes in Ortho-Bionomy. Ortho-Bionomy is a holistic approach to healing that works with the proprioceptive aspects of the nervous system to cue the self-corrective reflexes inherent in everyone. Ortho-Bionomy uses gentle positioning and movements which can allow tension patterns that are creating pain to relax, reset, and reorganize from within. 
Then there's this whole other cool side of her where her humble spirit lives and grows within her indigenous, Cree tribe. The Cree are a North American Indigenous people. They live primarily in Canada, where they form one of the country's largest First Nations. In Canada, more than 350,000 people are Cree or have Cree ancestry.
She's training to be a facilitator for sweat lodges. This is cool because it's typically male-dominated. 
We loved this gentle conversation around a new modality and learning about her family and culture. 
You can find her @inner_alchemy_medicine on Instagram. 
We hope you enjoy this episode as well. 
Thanks for following, subscribing and sharing. 

Fun Ramble

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

River + Michele enjoy what we are calling a ramble. We make some good points about life, kids, the summer, entrepreneurship, and business growth. Selling ourselves and just knowing our worth. 
We hope you enjoy this episode. 
Thanks so much for listening!
Michele + River 

Lizzie Allan

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Wednesday May 29, 2024

River + Michele get the pleasure of speaking with Lizzie Allan, the creator of Hilarapy. Just think about a mash-up of therapy and comedy! She's an English creator living in BC, Canada. 
Comedy is an underrated skill. I (Michele) learned this when I had the pleasure of joining Comedy Connection to commit to it and warm up TV shows. It seems simple, bu it requires a set-up and a punchline. However, this is far more difficult than it looks. So many people want to be comics nowadays, thanks to exposure for comedians on streaming giants like Netflix, that it's truly an art to dig down deep and find an original twist on a premise. This is where comedy is so underrated. Comedy requires critical and deep thinking to find a way to surprise an audience. Lizzie has found a beautiful balance between being her authentic "OUT" self and making people smile and learn through laughter. 
We hope you all enjoy this beautiful episode.
Thanks for listening, Michele + River
Where you can follow her: 
You can follow Lizzie here on Instagram. 
She is also the Creator of @hilarapy 
Join her at her new community site, Thrive Community. 

Spiritual Parenting

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

River + Michele discuss this week's spirituality through the lens of parenting. We both had readings with Angela, from Eye of Zion. Our kids are beautiful mirrors for one another. 
If you are curious about getting a reading with Angela... just reach out and let her know we sent you. 
We hope you enjoy this episode. 
Hugs and high fives, 
Michele + River

Reinventing Ourselves

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Wednesday May 15, 2024

River + Michele are back together in the studio this week. There are many reasons why you might find yourself craving self-reinvention. Ultimately, it’s a sign that you are seeking change in some area of your life. Yes... that word, "change". 
Hope you enjoy today's episode!!

Michele Mignogna

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Michele hosts alone this week but gets to chat about Human Design and parenting. This week, life and soul purpose coach Michele Mignogna joins us to explore how human design can give you greater insight into your true purpose, and parenting and how vision boards can help you manifest more in your life. 
Human Design combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, Vedic philosophy and modern physics, centering around the division of personalities into four energy types that indicate how someone can more harmoniously interact with the world, called Strategy.
Vision boarding: Turn your goals into a “crafternoon.”
Vision boards are a collection of images or objects arranged to help you manifest your goals or vision. This board can be physical or digital. 
Vision boards are highly versatile. You can use them to manifest your goals or create a visual representation of a vision statement. They’re perfect for helping you envision your dream life. But you can also use a vision board to outline your professional goals.
You can use a vision board for long-term goals, like achieving your 2-5 year plan. Or you can create a yearly vision board, too.
People who use vision boards usually place them where they’ll see them often. For instance, you can place a vision board on a mirror you use to get ready in the morning. Other people will prefer to hang it on a wall in a room they use often.
Hope you enjoy this episode! Don't forget to follow and share!!
River + Michele

Solo Hiking - River

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Wednesday May 01, 2024

On this week’s episode River shares her love of solo hiking and travel as a tool for self-growth, and answers questions submitted by our Instagram audience! From favorite destinations to the big question “Do you carry bear spray, flatware, or a gun?” this solo cast gives personal experiences on several aspects of solo travel/hiking. 
“Hiking is a bit like life: The journey only requires you to put one foot in front of the other… again and again and again. “The best view comes after the hardest climb.
First off, solo hiking means freedom! It allows you to go whenever and wherever you want, without waiting for friends or partners to be available. It allows you to disconnect from technology and distractions, giving you an increased sense of peace in nature. 
Solo hiking also allows you to set your own pace and itinerary. You can hike as slow or as fast as you want, and there will be no catching up after stopping to take the hundredth photo! 
One of the most rewarding benefits of solo hiking is the sense of personal accomplishment. Hiking alone increases self-reliance and self-sufficiency, in turn, increases my self-esteem. I consider solo hiking an essential to my self-care. 

Alex Castro is Back

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

This is a special episode with River and a special repeat guest, Alex from LGBTQMindfulness. Michele took the day off, while Alex and River discussed what mindfulness is, how to get started, and mindfulness in dating. 
It's easy to say you simply don't have time to be mindful. With so much going on in daily life, who has time to stop and be present? But everyone has at least 10 minutes to spare to practice mindfulness.
The point of these brief, daily reflections is to help you tap into calmness whenever life gets too hairy. Practicing everyday mindfulness can also improve your memory and concentration skills and help you feel less distracted and better able to manage crises.
There is more than one way to practice mindfulness. Still, any mindfulness technique aims to achieve a state of alert, focused, relaxed consciousness by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations without passing judgment on them. This allows the mind to focus on the present moment with an attitude of acceptance.
Dating: Mindful dating is a great way to approach the dating scene if you’ve been on many dates over the years and noticed that things aren’t working out. This dating approach can help you become more aware of how you approach the dating process to gain a better grasp of your emotions and behaviors. We hope to break down what is mindful dating to help you get better results when taking a new approach.  
Learn more about what Alex and the team offer here.  
We hope you enjoyed this episode; share, save, and follow us!!

Julia Hoffman

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Happy Wednesday! It's that time again when River + Michele releases another podcast. Today they chat with first-time guest, Julia Hoffman.
Based in Dallas, TX, and serving clients across the U.S., Julia Hoffman specializes in transforming the stigma around divorce into a blueprint for family success. With a Master's in Marriage and Family Therapy and training in Martha Beck's Coaching program, Julia expertly navigates divorce and co-parenting issues–informed by her professional and personal experience as a child of divorce and a co-parent herself.
Together with her wife Christy, Julia happily co-parents three daughters, (6, 10 ½, and 14) alongside their Dad and bonus mom. Julia gained her 4th/oldest daughter when she adopted Christy’s bio daughter–Dylan–a sophomore in college. Plus four dogs. Plus her garden feels like another child.
Julia’s mission is to remove this shame of divorce and redefine what it means to be a family by providing effective strategies for divorce, co-parenting, and LGBTQ-related challenges. 
This is a beautiful conversation around co-parenting and more... We hope you enjoy this episode! 
You can connect with Julia through her website or Instagram. 

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