Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Laurian Gladue

River + Michele enjoy a beautiful conversation with Laurian Gladue. Laurian specializes in Ortho-Bionomy. Ortho-Bionomy is a holistic approach to healing that works with the proprioceptive aspects of the nervous system to cue the self-corrective reflexes inherent in everyone. Ortho-Bionomy uses gentle positioning and movements which can allow tension patterns that are creating pain to relax, reset, and reorganize from within. 

Then there's this whole other cool side of her where her humble spirit lives and grows within her indigenous, Cree tribe. The Cree are a North American Indigenous people. They live primarily in Canada, where they form one of the country's largest First Nations. In Canada, more than 350,000 people are Cree or have Cree ancestry.

She's training to be a facilitator for sweat lodges. This is cool because it's typically male-dominated. 

We loved this gentle conversation around a new modality and learning about her family and culture. 

You can find her @inner_alchemy_medicine on Instagram. 


We hope you enjoy this episode as well. 

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