Wednesday May 29, 2024

Lizzie Allan

River + Michele get the pleasure of speaking with Lizzie Allan, the creator of Hilarapy. Just think about a mash-up of therapy and comedy! She's an English creator living in BC, Canada. 

Comedy is an underrated skill. I (Michele) learned this when I had the pleasure of joining Comedy Connection to commit to it and warm up TV shows. It seems simple, bu it requires a set-up and a punchline. However, this is far more difficult than it looks. So many people want to be comics nowadays, thanks to exposure for comedians on streaming giants like Netflix, that it's truly an art to dig down deep and find an original twist on a premise. This is where comedy is so underrated. Comedy requires critical and deep thinking to find a way to surprise an audience. Lizzie has found a beautiful balance between being her authentic "OUT" self and making people smile and learn through laughter. 

We hope you all enjoy this beautiful episode.

Thanks for listening, Michele + River


Where you can follow her: 

You can follow Lizzie here on Instagram

She is also the Creator of @hilarapy 

Join her at her new community site, Thrive Community. 

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