Live OUT Loud Podcast

Your hosts River and Michele, besties on a spiritual quest to help women LIVE in their truth. Michele and River will chat about a myriad of topics from Divorce, Parenting, spiritual journeys, and sexual identity and will bring on experts and/or friends to dive deeper into topics that feel relevant in today’s world.

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Live OUT Loud Podcast

We are so excited to share what lights us up and the people who have expanded our journey from friendships, travel, and our collective spiritual journey


Solo Cast - River

Friday Apr 12, 2024

Friday Apr 12, 2024

River takes on a solo cast today continuing the discussion we had earlier in the week about sitting with the discomfort and transitioning from married to single mother/woman. 
Transitioning from being married to becoming a single mother or woman can indeed be a challenging journey, filled with a mix of emotions and adjustments. It's completely normal to feel a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, fear, and even relief, as you navigate this significant life change. Here are some suggestions for navigating this transition:
Allow yourself to feel: It's important to acknowledge and honor your emotions, even the uncomfortable ones. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up without judgment.
Seek support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or a therapist who can provide a listening ear and offer guidance during this transition. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can also be incredibly validating.
Self-care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's exercising, reading, or spending time in nature. Remember to prioritize your own well-being amidst the challenges of adjusting to your new reality.
Focus on the present: While it's natural to reflect on the past and worry about the future, try to focus on the present moment as much as possible. Take things one day at a time and remind yourself that you have the strength and resilience to get through this transition.
Reconnect with yourself: Use this time as an opportunity to rediscover who you are as an individual outside of your role as a wife or partner. Reflect on your values, interests, and goals, and consider what you want for your future moving forward.
Set boundaries: Establishing clear boundaries with your ex-partner and others in your life can help create a sense of stability and protect your emotional well-being. Communicate your needs and expectations openly and assertively.
Remember, it's okay to take things one step at a time and to ask for help when you need it. You're not alone, and with time, patience, and self-compassion, you will find your way through this transition and emerge stronger on the other side. Hope you enjoy this episode and share it with a friend. We are stronger together. 

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

River + Michele discusses a topic that we usually discuss with our close friends, as it can be very vulnerable. This is because growth requires a stretch, which can feel uncomfortable and scary. However, it is impossible to grow without discomfort, and only by sitting in discomfort can we break through to the next level of ourselves, our relationships, our lives, our businesses, and our financial well-being.
Discomfort and growth are intertwined. When we step out of our comfort zones, challenge our boundaries, and face new experiences, it often leads to feelings of discomfort. However, this same discomfort pushes us to adapt, learn, and evolve, leading to personal and professional growth.
We hope you get something good out of this topic. It's really important if you want to level up, grow, and live in your highest good. The messy, muck sucks, but what's on the other side is pretty amazing. It's what keeps us wanting to deep dive, and live a big, beautiful life!!
Thanks for listening!!
M + R

Lists: from Travel to Love

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

River + Michele discusses the idea of bucket lists and lists in general with Michelle Morganti returning to the podcast as a repeat guest. 
Most people think a bucket list, originates from "kick the bucket." The usual definition is that a bucket list lists the experiences or achievements a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.
Even if you don’t keep an actual list, chances are you have thought about what you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. A survey conducted by Stanford University School of Medicine found that over 90% of participants had a bucket list. The researchers sorted bucket list items into six categories. Those, along with examples, are included below:
Travel (78.5%) - visit a specific attraction, city, or country.
Accomplish a personal goal (78.3%) - learn something, run a marathon, write a book.
Achieve specific life milestones (51%) - get married, have a child, reach a wedding anniversary milestone, see their children have kids.
Spend quality time with friends and family (16.7%)
Achieve financial stability (16.1%) - pay off debts, retire comfortably, save enough for children’s college education.
Do a daring activity (15%) - go on a zipline, surf a 20-foot wave, skydive, bungee jump, or hang glide.
But a bucket list can also just be a list of goals you'd like to accomplish. 
 One thing is certain: none of us want to reach the end of our lives and wish we had lived differently. With that in mind, consider the top regrets of the dying, compiled by Bonnie Ware while she was caring for people living with serious illnesses.
1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.
3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish I had let myself be happier.
Taking action is the best way to minimize the bucket list effect and to live life with fewer regrets. Start your bucket list today: include some items you can accomplish within the year, and include some items that may take time to work toward. Don’t worry about what’s on other people’s lists; your list should be a reflection of you.
Hope you enjoy today's episode. If you are enjoying the podcast, please share and also leave us a review. Thanks for listening!! 

Cord Cutting

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

River + Michele takes on a unique topic today, called Cord Cutting. Spiritual cord-cutting refers to the process of identifying and letting go of negative or draining energy connections in your life. These connections, or 'cords', are energetic links that tie you to other people, past experiences, or certain emotions.
It’s not always as easy as “let go and move on” after your relationship with a loved one, friend, or romantic partner has come to a close. It rarely is. Our minds and mouths may have said it’s over, but our hearts hold on.
Just as we were once physically attached to our mothers, we form temporary energetic cord attachments all the time. When we are in any kind of relationship with another person we are energetically connected and engaged. This connection continues even after your brain, heart, or circumstances cause the situation to end. Imagine your energy as cords attaching you to wherever your focus goes. Now imagine trying to move forward with dozens or hundreds of these old energy cables, like tangled extension cords, attaching you to everyone you’ve ever cared for. All of those old, dead, emotionally charged, and unnecessary cords would make it pretty hard to move forward, right?
We hope you enjoy this episode!! Please share and save it. 
Meditation. YouTube video

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

River + Michele chat with Christine Sloup Friend, aka Chrissie to close friends and family.
Spiritual Journey: From Nebraska to Angelic Connection
Michele, River, and Christine discussed Christine's life journey and spiritual experiences. Christine shared her story of leaving her long-term marriage, an an abusive relationship and then moving to LA, where she started exploring her spirituality and found solace in meditation and connecting with angels. She described a transformative experience of being lifted out of her body and gaining a bird's eye view of her surroundings, which led her to understand that life is meant to be enjoyed and explored, not taken too seriously. Christine also mentioned that she had a daughter with her ex-husband, with whom she maintains a friendship. Michele noted Christine's natural inclination towards spirituality and described her as a source of truth. All true!
We hope you loved this episode. There is so much wisdom here. 
Thank you for sharing and following our journey. 
With gratitude,
Michele and River

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

River + Michele chat through a year after River's divorce is final. River is a different person these days and it's a great reminder of how far she's come. Any of us who have gone through a hard breakup, divorce, etc... She's had to get grounded within herself. We discuss co-parenting and more... Hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did. Thanks again for listening. 
River and Michele

Episode 35 - Mary Horn

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

River + Michele has Mary Horn joining us today. They dig into the juiciness of manifesting your career, learning to love your relationship with money, and calling in abundance for life. Finding your soul purpose and having faith in your knowing.  
Mary's website
We hope you'll enjoy this episode. If you do, please subscribe and share. 

Episode 34 - SELF Centered

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

River + Michele discuss being SELF-centered. Michele and River, deep dive self-centered for healing which involves a deliberate and focused effort on self-care and introspection. It means prioritizing one's own well-being and mental health without guilt or hesitation. This approach recognizes that taking care of oneself is essential for overall healing and growth. By being self-centered in a healing context, individuals can set boundaries, practice self-compassion, and engage in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. It involves tuning into one's own needs, acknowledging emotions, and embracing self-reflection. In this process, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, cultivate resilience, and foster a stronger sense of self-awareness. Ultimately, being self-centered for healing is an empowering journey that leads to a more balanced and fulfilling life. WE hope you enjoy and share this episode with your favorite bestie. Thanks again for listening! Our pod is growing and we are so grateful for each of you. 

Episode 33 - The Dating Mindset

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

With February still in full effect, Michele + River continues the discussion around all the aspects of dating. In this episode, we are deep-diving dating from every possible angle. Looking through a new lens (River's favorite NEW word), around our mindset at the old ways. We hope you continue to enjoy this February series around dating. 
When you are opening yourself up to love it's important to know where you stand with yourself. The intention behind dating; long-term partnership, building community, casual or hook-ups. 
1. Learn to Love Yourself
2. Heal the Wounds
3. Allow Yourself to be vulnerable
4. Stop Comparing to Others
5. Explore Your Options
6. Be SELF-focused and take a break from dating if you need to
7. Make it Count. If it works, lean in, if it doesn't... it's cool. Move on.
8. Don't Take it all Too Seriously
Dating should be fun. Instead of going into every first (or second or third) date with the mindset that this MUST work out, approach each meetup as a chance to enjoy yourself and get to know someone else. Without the pressure of needing to fall for the person sitting across the table from you, you can be present and make a more clear-headed decision about how you feel. And if it doesn't end up being the best date ever? At least you'll have some GREAT stories for next week's brunch with the girls! HA HA! 
Hope you enjoy this episode!
Xx, Michele + River

Episode 32 - Solo Dates

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

River + Michele got a few requests for this episode. Michele has gotten to be a pro with solo dates and is always eager to share, while River is a bit newer at it, she has started to embrace it by stepping out of her comfort zone. With this launching today on Valentine's Day, we felt it was the perfect counter to what the day typically represents. 
I think dating yourself can mean really investing in yourself with a journaling practice, extreme self-care, and doing the things you really, truly want to do. It can mean hitting up places you'd like to take a date to, but haven't really tried yourself, it means feeling more comfortable in your own company, and can help boost confidence, which is always sexy!
While a lot of introspection and self-care is involved when you're dating yourself, you'll also ideally be pursuing different types of activities or even taking classes. Through this time spent on your own, you may unearth a passion you didn't know existed, you might invest in a new hobby, or even find a side hustle. 
For those in a relationship, giving each other permission to go on solo dates can allow you to fill your cup up and maybe miss your person. Lots of sweet benefits from that... most importantly, you'll have something fun to share at bedtime, which might lead to building a deeper connection with them.  
Solo Date Ideas
Ready to start dating yourself? Use these ideas to get going—some are pure fun, and others are aimed more at introspection and personal growth. 
1. Make yourself a nice meal
2. Light candles
3. Have a paint night at home
4. Have a spa night
5. Do something that gets you outside your comfort zone
6. Pack up a picnic basket and have a picnic in your local park
7. Visit an art gallery
8. Try an activity where you have an opportunity to make new friends
9. Go see live music
10. Write in a gratitude journal
11. Read your favorite book
12. Listen to your favorite album
13. Take yourself on a dinner date
14. Go out to happy hour on your own
15. Take a bubble bath
16. Visit a local museum
17. Do something that feels true to your inner self
18. Take yourself out to the movies
19. Take a class to learn something new
20. Be a tourist in your own city
Share with a good friend today! 

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